1. Corporate first aid training course, what does it consist of?

Dear business owner have you already thought about the safety of workers and your company? There are tools that can give you and your business full assurance about the protection of your employees. These are training courses that cover subjects on first response should there be an emergency within your company. One of these is the corporate first aid training course. It is aimed at training you(employer) and some of your chosen employees on how to intervene in case of need and how to implement first aid maneuvers in case of workplace injuries, while waiting for the arrival of experienced health workers. In fact, it is not to be confused with “emergency care” where the intervention precisely is done by medical doctors. Since the importance of the corporate first aid training course is of great importance as it not only protects your employees but also yourself from possible penalties in case of non-compliance.

Acting in a timely manner is not enough: it is essential to know what maneuvers to use in different emergency circumstances such as a shock that differs from a cardiac crisis.

The corporate first aid training course Therefore, it consists of training company workers in first aid in case of need. Aims to provide knowledge of the primary essential lifesaving practices to know and implement in case of workplace injuries.

2. The appointment of first aid officers

After consultation with the Workers’ Safety Representative (RLS), the employer shall appoint first aid workers by training them with the
company first aid training course
. The number of emergency workers should be proportional to the size and type of business conducted by the enterprise. The appointed figures are vitally important because they have a duty to protect and provide immediate support to workers while waiting for help in case of workplace injuries. For these reasons, the chosen workers must have certain physical and psychological requirements. Appointees, except for just cause, cannot refuse office. The employer himself can also have the first aid officer appointed when the company has fewer than five workers.

3. The duties of first aid officers

The employee appointed by the employer upon successful completion of the course has the obligation to intervene in the workplace in case of an accident. Some of the duties of the appointed officer is to act in a timely manner while remaining calm. Must know how to recognize a medical emergency, the type of injury, offer assistance to the injured person by practicing the main lifesaving maneuvers learned, and must be able to recognize a danger that is not only obvious but also likely. He or she should contact the emergency services as soon as possible by providing the medical expert with information regarding the incident with care and accuracy. These are some of the duties of the first aid officer. All responsibilities and powers attached to him are expressed in the
corporate first aid training course
at the end of which a final verification will determine the outcome of learning.

4. Obligations for the employer

Since it is compulsory (Pursuant to Art. 45, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 81/2008, as amended, and Ministerial Decree 388 of 200), failure to train first-aid personnel is punishable by arrest from 2 to 4 months and a fine of 1,200 to 5,200 euros. Similarly, failure to consult the RLS also carries a fine of 2,000 to 4,000 euros.

In the workplace, the person in charge of first aid should never be absent.

5. The duration of the course.

The duration of the corporate first aid training course Is 12 or 16 hours. The difference is dictated by the requirements of the company itself. In fact, according to DM July 15, 2003 no.388 companies are divided into two groups taking into consideration the type of activity carried out, the number of employees and the type of risk of the company based on the INAIL tariff code.

Companies in Group A whose course duration is scheduled for the 16 hours are:

– companies or production units with high risk such as industrial activities, subject to ‘declaration or notification requirements, thermoelectric power plants, nuclear plants and laboratories, mining companies and other mining activities, underground work, companies for the manufacture of explosives, powders and ammunition;

– companies or production units with more than five workers belonging to or attributable to INAIL tariff groups with permanent disability injury index greater than four;

– Companies or production units with more than five permanent workers in the agriculture sector.

The companies in Group B whose course duration is scheduled for the 12 hours are:

– Companies or production units with three or more workers that are not in Group A.

Companies in Group C whose course duration is scheduled for the 12 hours are:

– Companies or production units with fewer than three workers that are not in Group A.

6. Subjects covered in the course

The subjects covered in the corporate first aid training course are defined by law and are developed in three modules:

Module 1:

Communication system with the rescue system;

Recognition of a medical emergency;

Implementation of first aid interventions.

For companies belonging to Group A, this module lasts 6 hours while for Group B and C, it lasts 4 hours.

Module 2:

Acquisition of general knowledge about trauma in the work environment;

Acquisition of general knowledge about specific pathologies in the work environment.

This module is 4 hours long for both Group A and B and C.

Module 3:

Acquisition of practical intervention skills

For companies belonging to Group A, this module lasts 6 hours while for Group B and C it lasts 4 hours.

7. Certificate expiration date

The certificate or certificate validating the successful completion of the final verification of the corporate first aid training course has a three-year term and must be regularly updated.

What are you waiting for?

We at Synergos are in the business of health services,



risk assessment and training.

We are at your disposal for the complete protection of your company and your employees.

Synergos: Saving a Life is as Simple as It Gets