occupational medical examinations
are among the activities covered by the occupational medicine. They consist of specific examinations to which the worker is subjected for safety purposes within the company. Considering the worker’s job description and the hazards to which he or she is exposed in the work environment, the examinations are carried out in such a way as to monitor the worker’s health status, providing him or her with the necessary protection and verifying his or her fitness for work. All companies that have at least one employee are required to conduct medical examinations. Later you will find when they are done according to risk and what they are.

Labour medical examinations and fitness for work

labor medical examinations
are carried out by the Competent physician While respecting privacy. Responsible for the health surveillance, the Physician subjects employees of companies to medical examinations and clinical examinations to prevent occupational diseases and risks of injury, thus ascertaining theirfitness for work.

The scheduled examinations are:

the measurement of blood pressure;

vision control;

hearing control;

blood tests;


After undergoing the examinations, the employee may have his or her fitness for duty issued when the doctor deems that his or her condition is adequate for the intended task.

How often do labor medical examinations take place to ascertain fitness for work?

Under normal conditions, visits are made annually. The Competent Physician determines the regularity of examinations and diagnostic investigations after carefully analyzing the risks and hazards in the company. In cases where a worker’s health may be particularly at risk or the outcome of the risk assessment had a different result, the competent physician may decide on a different cadence.

When do labor medical examinations take place?

The law mandates mandatory
occupational medical examinations
when company environments present hazards such as:

  • Chemical agents deemed hazardous;
  • heavy loads;
  • X-rays or radioactive substances;
  • agents believed to be carcinogens;
  • High noise levels;
  • strong vibrations;
  • Optical, infrared or ultraviolet radiation;
  • presence of asbestos;
  • presence of video terminals;
  • biological substances

Night work activities, the presence of disabled workers and pregnant workers also make the visit mandatory.

What are the labor medical examinations?

Labor medical examinations are:

The preventive medical examination

As the name implies, this examination is done “in advance” of the worker’s employment to verify that he or she is fit to perform the intended task.

The periodic medical examination

It is used to confirm or deny work eligibility. It is usually carried out annually but the competent physician may decide on a different period based on the risks to which the worker is exposed.

Medical examination requested by the worker

The worker requests a occupational medical examination from the competent physician.

It happens when the worker assumes that the task performed or the work environment is responsible for his or her discomfort.

The competent physician is responsible for verifying the extent of this.

Medical examination for job change

It is carried out when a worker’s job description changes. The competent physician must ensure the worker’s good health and suitability for the new job.

Medical examinations before resuming work

It is carried out when the worker, due to health problems, has accumulated an absence of more than 60 continuous days. Here the doctor verifies the worker’s good health and whether he or she can actually return to the workplace to perform his or her job.

Medical examinations upon termination of employment

When required by law, the competent physician must also conduct a medical examination at the end of employment to ascertain good health status after the termination of his or her employment.

Being healthy at work is a right.

Among the examinations performed by our Synergos facility, you will find spirometry examination, morpho-functional spine examination, electrocardiograph or ECG examination, and many others.

Synergos: Health And Safety At Work, Side By Side With The Employer To Protect Workers!