Instrumental examinations in occupational medicine are medical checkups to which workers are compulsorily subjected to verify their health conditions and thus ascertain their fitness for work.

The examinations are requested by the competent physician and carried out by means of certain “instruments,” hence the name.

Let’s see together what they are and what they are about.

Instrumental examinations in occupational medicine: what they are about

Instrumental examinations in occupational medicine are mandatory and are performed periodically. If the doctor in charge deems it appropriate, the frequency may vary according to the worker’s health status: in fact, in case of suspicions related to the worker’s health condition, he may intervene by requesting in-depth examinations.

In other cases, however, instrumental examinations have specific cadences at which they are necessarily performed:

upon hiring the worker, to verify suitability for the assigned task;

at the change of job, to verify that the worker is fit to perform the new work activity (which may present new risks compared to the previous one);

when new machinery is introduced;

upon the worker’s return when he or she has been absent for a long period;

to the worker’s request because he presents work-related discomfort.

This organization gives the opportunity to conduct proper health surveillance in order to protect the health of workers.

The employer in the case of unsuitability for the task performed by the worker must assign him a new task or act with suitable safety measures to limit the risks to which he is subjected as much as possible.

Instrumental examinations in occupational medicine: what are they?

Examples of instrumental examinations in occupational medicine include:

the spirometry examination: this is required to check the airway and is performed by inhaling and exhaling acts following the pulmonologist’s instructions;

audiometric examination: is aimed at checking the health of the worker’s auditory system and is performed through headphones in a soundproof environment;

the ergophthalmological examination: this examination is related to the health status of the ocular system, targeted especially at workers who perform work in front of monitors and video screens;

the E.C.G. examination (
electrocardiogram): is an examination aimed at monitoring the health of the cardiovascular system, it is performed by means of electrodes that are attached to the worker’s chest;

drug test: this is an examination by which it can be checked whether the worker is using addictive substances or drugs that may jeopardize his or her lucidity at work.

The professional who requires such examinations is the competent physician: it is his discretion to require a specific examination based on the insights to be verified about the worker’s health status.

The occurrence of occupational diseases in the workplace is becoming increasingly common.

Instrumental examinations in occupational medicine can save a life: acting early ensures the protection of worker health and consequently the continued productivity of companies.