Every entrepreneur to be able to call his company “safe” needs a supervisor capable of managing the company security system. The presence of a coordinator is not only effective corporately, but also mandatory. In fact, the Occupational Safety Consolidation Act requires companies to appoint a Prevention and Protection Service Manager. He plays an important role. As we shall see, in order to be appointed and perform the prescribed tasks , he must have certain professional requirements.

What role does the person in charge of the Prevention and Protection Service play?

The Safety Prevention and Protection Service Manager plays an organizational role. His task focuses on managing prevention and protection measures by ensuring safety within the company and cooperating with the employer.

Who can serve as the person in charge of the Prevention and Protection Service

The person who can perform the role of Prevention and Protection Service Manager can be:

an employee who is appointed by the employer;

an expert from outside the company who has professional expertise in corporate security;

depending on the type of company and number of employees, also the employer itself.

This figure is appointed by the employer. Failure to appoint or train the RSPP can lead to serious penalties and even arrest.

What are the main duties of the person in charge of the Prevention and Protection Service

The Prevention and Protection Service Manager, cooperating together with the employer and RSS, has certain tasks to perform in order to better manage safety regulations.

It is useful to remember that:

-Prevention collects the set of measures that serve to limit the occurrence of a harmful event;

-protection, on the other hand, collects the set of measures that serve to limit the consequences of a harm that has now occurred.

Let us see together what it is and what its tasks are then:

is responsible for focusing on the factors and level of risk within the company;

must identify the safety measures to be implemented based on the risk assessment;

must define the protective and preventive measures, ascertaining their compliance to ensure corporate safety;

must cooperate in drafting the risk assessment document;

is responsible for developing security procedures for companies;

must plan training courses for employees;

must cooperate in consultations about company safety, and attend meetings during which it is important to have comparisons on the progress of safety procedures, accidents, and risks;

is responsible for informing employees about the risks found in the company.

What are the professional requirements

Not everyone can hold this office. In fact, those who want to become Prevention and Protection Service Managers must meet the following professional requirements:

must be a person appropriate to the type of risk of the company;

must possess a high school diploma or higher;

must have completed and obtained certifications related to RSPP training courses;

must frequently update his skills by taking a refresher course held every 5 years.

The training course consists of 3 modules, at the end of which the subject is obliged to take a final evaluative examination.

Anyone with a bachelor’s degree in:

civil and environmental engineering;

information engineering;

industrial engineering;

architectural sciences;

building science and techniques;

safety engineering.

However, these individuals are not excluded from taking the refresher course, which is held every 5 years and lasts 40 hours.

Synergos: Health And Safety At Work, Side By Side With The Employer To Protect Workers!